

Best Price


We guarantee the best conditions for Guests who book directly.

We offer discounts ranging from 5% to 10% depending on the period and duration of stay compared to other rates you can find online.

We are also glad to provide you with a discount code to book your ferry trip to Elba to discover the island’s beauty. Just ask us!

For those wishing to take a ferry trip to Elba Island, we offer discount codes to book the crossing with Blu Navy Company: take advantage of them!

Best Price


From late September, the olive harvest begins, one of the most relaxing and willingly simple experiences of farming. Sure, at the end of the day the shoulders are sore, but a restorative sleep is guaranteed.

We offer our guests the opportunity to try their hand at this age-old activity, helping in the field and savoring with us the satisfaction of filling the boxes.

We make our apartments available and on harvest days, we offer a 15% discount on the price of your stay, an “agricultural” breakfast before work begins and a picnic lunch among the olive trees in the middle of the day.

Are you up for it?



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